All cars require a car park ticket, tickets can be bought online or for £35 on the door, Park and Ride tickets costs £20 (per vehicle) on the door, and the Settlement car park costs £50 on the door (only available to current Settlement ticket holders). All live-in vehicle tickets are now sold out and are not available on the door.
Please follow the correct route to your gate (directions will be written on your car park ticket): there are separate ones for Settlement, Orange, Park and Ride and Live in Vehicles. Please follow the temporary Green Man Festival road signs to the correct car park.
Settlement Car Park
This car park is for Settlement ticket holders. This is also the car park you need to head if you've arranged for Accessible Camping.
Park and Ride
This is situated a few miles from the festival site (located off the A40 and signposted as you approach GM) and we will be running shuttle buses to and from the festival from Thursday-Monday. Tickets are available in advance or you can buy on arrival for £20.
Drop Offs
If you are dropping people off or being dropped off you must head to the Park and Ride, no drop offs will be permitted at the festival site.
Road Closures
The B4558 is closed to inbound traffic driving towards the festival on Monday 18h August. This means cars (including taxis) cannot drive up to the festival site, so anyone being collected should catch the bus to the Park and Ride and arrange to be picked up from there.
Motorbikes should use the Orange Car Park. There is no parking charge for motorbikes, mopeds or scooters but please be aware all the parking is on grass – there is no hard standing.
Opening Times
Orange Car Park will open at 8am Thursday 14th August, please don’t arrive before then as it will cause congestion.
Settlement Car Park will open 10am Monday 11th August.
Park & Ride Car Park will open 10am Thursday 14th August.
You are free to leave the festival site during the festival and return as long as you retain your car parking ticket and wristbands. Please note that the roads into the festival can be narrow so to avoid delays it is advisable not to leave or re-enter the site during busy periods.
Please choose your gate direction below: there are separate ones for Settlement, Orange, Live in Vehicles and Park & Ride. While travelling please follow the temporary Green Man Festival road signs as you may find alternate routes blocked due to traffic flow.
Extra seats in your car
Why not reduce your carbon footprint by sharing your journey with some like-minded friendly folk?
If you are driving to Green Man you can add any spare seats you have on LiftShare, they connect you with people looking for a ride who contribute to your journey costs.